On 10-9-19 I I spoke on Spirituality to a student group at the New Jersey Institute of Technology
I examined whether spirituality is optional or necessary for human life?
This is a link to pictures from the meeting: https://photos.app.goo.gl/NJ8T8zZTkVjcfA6JA
Here is link to the pdf of the ppt of the presentation https://www.scribd.com/document/429694410/Campus-Talk-on-Spirituality-NJIT-10-9-19
Here’s the pdf itself:
Campus Talk on Spirituality… by Frank Kaufmann on Scribd
Here is a link to the the slides from the presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/FrankKaufmann2/spirituality-for-some-or-for-all
Here are the slides themselves: